Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Are you sure you want to do that? - Think twice about using Social Media!

We have all made the mistake of posting at one time or another when we should not have. After a night of drinking, after breaking up with someone, after having a bad day, whatever the negative means, the end shouldn't be a rant on Facebook or Twitter. The best time to use social media sites is when you are happy and at your best. After a nice dinner, a great day outing with friends and family, or during an amazing and positive experience. Not when you are at your worst or weakest. Here are some states of being that you should wait to pass before you post or tweet anything. 

Intoxication. Don't do it! Your ability to make decisions based on common sense and logic is seriously diminished when you are drunk. Posting that incriminating picture of a friend, or family member may seem funny at the time but you may think twice the next day as your head is throbbing away. Do yourself a big favour and forget about posting during periods of intoxicated debauchery. Remember, the headache is temporary, but postings have a tendency to becoming permanent. 
Anger. Similar to emails, you should never post/tweet anything when in a state of anger or towards someone or something. It clouds the mind and you make decisions based on your anger towards someone, not based on objectiveness. The best piece of advise I can give you here is to wait a few hours until you cool down before  posting anything. A good nights sleep or a shower will usually do the trick. Before you do anything, have it proof read before hitting the send button. If you think its too strong or inappropriate, then 9 times out of ten it usually is.
Fatigue. For some, working at night is no problem. For me, I perform better and more clearly in the morning. Studies show that your brain functions much more efficiently when you are full of energy and life. Pick the time that works best for you, whether it be the morning or night. If you are tired, best to relax, or even better get some sleep and go at it in the morning. 
Vengeance or Spitefulness. So here is the scenario. You just broke up with someone. Maybe you were not the one who initiated the break-up and you feel very hurt and upset by the entire ordeal. You have some pictures that are not so flattering and you want to post them to Instagram or Facebook and get revenge on them. Ask yourself this, what will this accomplish other then revenge? You are certainly not going to get them back by torturing them with this photo, so why do it? Move on, find someone else and forget about revenge. Its not a good state of mind to be in.
Jealousy and Envy. These emotions are useless in my opinion. On social media, they have absolutely no place whatsoever. They are based in negative thought and motivation and accomplish nothing but great regret and frustration. Like many of those self help guides and speakers that advise to move on, let the past go and think to the future - they are right. You are your own self, forget about being other people or having what they have.  

During theater or a movie. This one may seem comical, but I just read a story recently about Madonna being banned from a cinema company in Texas for texting during a movie. I can understand if its an emergency or something very pressing, but really do you need to be on Facebook updating your status or on Linkedin during a movie? It costs a considerable amount after concessions to go to a show. Most, if not all people do not appreciate it when you use your mobile devices while they are trying to watch a movie. Honestly, it is disrespectful of others and don't be surprised if you get scolded by another patron, or asked to leave by management.  

At the dinner table. We all like our electronics and being on them. Do we really need to be on Twitter during dinner? The answer is no. It is one of the few times during the day that you and your family have a chance to actually talk to each other and catch up on the day. It is a time to disconnect and to recover a personal connection with our family and friends. Put the devices down and enjoy each others company. The art of conversation is still very important.
Being social, upbeat and happy is what being on social media is all about. Check the baggage and the negativity at the door when you want to post something on Facebook and I promise you will feel better about yourself, and about everyone you interact with.

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